
Photo by Chinh Le Duc / Unsplash

Ayurveda is a 5,000 year old medical system that originates from India.  Ayurveda comes from two Sanskrit words and therefore roughly translates to "the science of life". This powerful wisdom looks at the entire person, not just an individual symptom, to create greater balance and ultimately optimal health. Through Ayurvedic counseling, you can  uncover the root cause of troubling symptoms, restore vitality through customized holistic treatments, and maintain optimal health through preventative care.

Whether you want to age gracefully, manage anxiety, or have a larger health concern an Ayurvedic health consultation is the first step!

Ayurvedic Health Consultation 

This personalized appointment can last anywhere from 90 - 120 minutes. During this initial consultation, I will work with you, to understand your health goals and any health concerns. We will review the systems of the body, past medical history, dietary habits, and other topics relevant to your case. Upon completing this appointment, personalized recommendations that align with your lifestyle, goals, and current season will be crafted for you.

Appointments can include guidance on diet and herbs, lifestyle modifications, adjustments to daily and seasonal routines, massage therapies, pranayama, and meditation.

Initial Investment $100.00

Our consultation can be held within the comfort of your home. If space or privacy is a factor, consultations will be held within a private room of a Minneapolis yoga studio. Virtual consultations are also available.

Follow-up and Seasonal Consultations 

This appointment lasts 45-60 minutes. A prior Ayurvedic Health Consultation is required for a follow-up and seasonal consultation.

Follow-up and seasonal consultations are recommended to check in with your progress, modify any recommendations as needed, and for continued education on Ayurvedic topics.

Follow-up Investment $70.00

Our consultation can be held within the comfort of your home. If space or privacy is a factor, consultations will be held within a private room of a Minneapolis yoga studio. Virtual consultations are also available.

Ayurvedic Education 

Want to learn more about Ayurvedic topics that you are interested in? I offer individual and group sessions for diving deeper into the topics that will support you wherever you may be with your wellness journey. Our time together can include Ayurvedic topics such as an introduction to Ayurveda, dietary recommendations, understanding the doshas, Ayurveda and Yoga, yoga practices, breathwork practices, and general Q&A.

One-on-one session(s) $60/hour
Small group session(s) (2-6 people) $100/hour
Large group rate (7-15 people) $15/person

Ayurvedic education sessions can be held within the comfort of your home, community space, a private room of a Minneapolis yoga studio, and/or virtually. 

Herb Preparation 

Herbal therapies are a large part of Ayurvedic treatments. Take the hassle out of buying your own bulk herbs and let me make the specialized combinations for you! From ghee to gandharva haritaki herbal formulations will be created with your specific needs in mind! 

Service cost varies depending on the herb and the amount you are looking to obtain. An Ayurvedic Health Consultation is recommended if you request an herb preparation service. 

Kind Words

"I am incredibly grateful for the knowledge and support I gained from working with Anastasia for Ayurvedic consulting. She is an excellent listener and took all of my varying experiences into account when providing lifestyle recommendations to support healthier living. Anastasia guided me with personalized advice that felt truly tailored to my needs. I feel more empowered and informed about my health journey thanks to her expertise and compassionate approach. I highly recommend Anastasia to anyone seeking to integrate Ayurveda into their wellness routine."
"Anastasia gave me such helpful context for understanding my health specific to my own body and experience. I really appreciated the approach she took which was supportive, attentive and kind throughout the entire consultation and follow-up. In the end, I received specific tools and routines that help me live a more complete and comfortable lifestyle which has had transformational and positive impacts on my overall wellbeing. Thank you so much for your impact on my health!"