2023 - A Year End Review

- The Godin crew gathered in Prescott, WI for the holidays
- Silas started walking
- Aaron and I both quit out jobs
- We took a very spur-of-the-moment trip to Palm Spring, CA

- Frequented Como Conservatory and Zoo
- Aaron had the entire month of February off and worked to finish the basement
- Traveled with the fam to Lutsen to celebrate Silas' first birthday and Bill's birthday - birthday buds
- Silas is very comfortable walking

- Silas grew and changed day after day!
- First yoga series at North Oaks
- Aaron started a new job
- Completed Reiki level 2 training
- Silas and I started meditating together
- First bike ride with the baby bike seat
- Created a mama meetup group with another mama
- First pair of "real" shoes for Silas
- We were sick.. a lot

- Snow melted
- Silas really got into the piano
- The Anderson family went to a Saint Paul Saints game
- Silas was christened at Unity in the Heart
- We continued to battle with colds and fevers

- Celebrated May Day at Powderhorn Park
- Went camping at Jay Cooke
- Silas' vocabulary continued to grow - he talks alll the time!
- Planted veggies in the garden

- Ken and Arlene visited for 2 weeks
- Spent all of our time outside
- Started attending church again

- Had an awesome water park day
- Purchased a sauna
- Aaron turned 32
- Cynthia was diagnosed with brain cancer
- Aaron competed in the Afton trail race
- Keith and Colette came for a month
- The Godin crew traveled to a cabin in WI

- I turned 33
- We flew to New Jersey with the rest of the Godin crew
- Started our 2-week trip in the north woods
- For the summer session at Camp Northern Lights we were the resource family

- Silas' first Boundary Waters trip
- Aaron competed in his first trail marathon
- We visited Jacob and Larissa at their cabin
- Enrolled and started an Ayurvedic Health Counselor program
- Celebrated Cynthia's birthday
- Aaron traveled abroad for work
- Silas, my mom, and I took a mini-vacation to La Crosse
- We "moved" to Prescott as Cynthia's health declined rapidly
- Cynthia passed away on September 26
- September 26 marked our 3 year wedding anniversary
- We prepares for Cynthia's funeral
- All the Godin's came home
- Cynthia was buried October 2
- We "moved" back home
- My skin rash worsened and was the worst it had ever been
- It snowed - but quickly melted
- I made our Halloween costumes
- We celebrated Halloween with Ari, his family and Bill

- We established new rhythms
- Aaron finished the main room in the basement remodel
- My skin finally started to heal
- First holiday without Cynthia

- Annual holiday day with the Elfering's - we saw Peter Pan
- Purchased the cheapest tree we could find... for $70!
- Attended the European Christmas Market and saw Santa
- Celebrated Christmas with the Elfering's and Anderson's
- Traveled to Jan's to celebrate some more - it was 50 and rainy!
- All the Godin's came home and we celebrated even more
- Traveled to Holcombe to see Cynthia
- Celebrated the holiday with Cynthia's siblings
- Rang in the New Year with fondue in Prescott, WI